
A quiet stay in the spectacular tranquility of Lake garda

Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi! Wireless internet connection available in rooms and public areas.

Free parking lots and garage

Free parking spaces and garage. The hotel has parking lots and garage available free of charge.


Reception desk open 24 hours a day. Lets you book trips, exchange currencies, send mail. A free internet point is also available.

Shuttle bus

Shuttle bus available with fee. It links the hotel to Limone sul Garda centre.

Two outdoor pool

Two outdoor pools, one of which has panoramic sight of the lake.

In-room breakfast service

In-room breakfast service. To be reserved at the reception desk (paid service).



Indoor pool

Indoor pool with whirlpool bath.

Pets are allowed

Pets are allowed, but they’re not allowed into the communal areas.



Travel insurance

Insure your holiday against cancellation and no show. Find out more.


In cooperation with Gardavoyager, you can book your excursions online.